Ogden Divorce Lawyer | Protecting Yourself in Divorce

We receive numerous phone calls and emails every week from individuals looking to get information from an Ogden Divorce Lawyer about steps they can take to protect themselves before they divorce. The article provides some basic information and general help about what you can do to ensure your rights and interests are protected in the event you or your spouse end up filing for divorce. What is really important is understanding what not to do so that you don’t later find yourself in hot water with a judge.

Protecting Yourself Financially | Ogden Family Law Attorney

One of the most common questions we get is the question of, “what should I do to protect myself financially in preparation for this divorce?” Really the best thing you can do to protect the assets of your marriage is to hire an Ogden family law attorney who knows how to get emergency and temporary orders in place to ensure marital assets will not be disposed of by your spouse. Many people fear their son to be ex will drain the bank accounts, sell property, or perhaps even liquidate their retirement. You fears may be warranted so it is important to speak with a lawyer and get orders from the court in place as soon as possible to prevent these types of things from happening. What you don’t necessarily want to do is try and beat your spouse to the punch. A judge may hold you accountable if you run out and drain the accounts, sell everything off, or tried to hide anything. Before you do anything, call an speak with us today. We will put a game plan together to help ensure you are protected.

Protecting Yourself and Your Kids from Abuse

Maybe even more common the question of how to protect yourself financially, is the question of how a party to divorce can protect themselves and their kids from a possible negative and violent reaction from a spouse. You do not have to fear, the law provides strong protections for families to be protected from violence and threats of physical harm. We can help you file for a protective order on your own behalf and on behalf of your children if necessary. Your safety should be your number one concern in all of this. If you are in fear, call us and we can help. If you are in immediate danger of harm you should contact the authorities immediately.

Free Consultation 801.475.0991

Call us today if you need help preparing for you divorce. We offer free consultations and are available night and day. You can also send us an email at anytime and we will get back to you asap. A Utah divorce lawyer at our firm will protect your rights, interests, and make sure your voice is head. Call now.

About Todd Peterson

Todd Peterson has been with Salcido Law firm for a number of years and specializes in Family Law practice. He is dedicated to helping people through the very difficult and highly emotionally charged times when they need a family law attorney.
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