Farmington Custody Evaluation Attorney

One of the most emotional and heated legal battles that most people will ever have is in regards to their children. The fight over custody is often quite literally a fight to stay in your son or daughters life, get to see them grow and progress, share your interests with them and all the other wonderful things that come with child rearing. Because there is so much at stake during a custody dispute or the child custody portion of a divorce it is important that the judge has as much information as possible. One of the methods used ot ensure that the judge does have sufficient information is a custody evaluation.

Obtaining a Custody Evaluation for Child Custody in Northern Utah

In a custody case each party may hire their own custody evaluators or they can ask that the court appoint an evaluator, often times custody evaluations are done by someone out of the office of the Guardian Ad Litem (GAL). The idea is that the evaluator is to provide a non biased assessment of the parents abilities, the child’s, and the “fit” between child and parent. To carry out this assessment the evaluator will consider factors such as the child’s preference, strength of parental bond, the parent’s character and status, and more. The judge will then use the evaluation to help him make a decision as to how he or she should rule in the case at hand.

Ogden Divorce and Child Custody Attorney | Getting Help with Your Custody Evaluation

Getting a custody evaluation can be very stressful and can often feel like taking a test that decides whether or not you get to keep your kids. To have a better understanding of the process and help getting through it call an attorney from Ogden Divorce Law. We can help you in your child custody or divorce case to know your possible outcomes and help you make informed decisions. Call or email us today to find out more.


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