A trend nationally seems to be taking place. We have certainly noticed it in the past couple years at our law office. More older couples, those 50 and older, are seeking divorces these days. In fact, we stumbled across a recent article describing this trend. Older couples often face unique challenges when it comes to divorce. Most of these couples no longer have minor children in the home, so there are no custody battles to get through. Heaven knows a custody battle can usually be the biggest fight in a divorce and cause a divorce to drag out for months or even years. Older couples thankfully, for the most part, don’t have to worry about all the issues that come along with kids. However, there is usually more at stake financially for older couples because they are either already in retirement or nearing retirement.
Divorcing after 50 can mean a whole host of issues which younger individuals may not face, at least not to the same degree. For instance, when your past 50 you may have already accrued the bulk of your retirement or all of your retirement. If your retirement is cut in half and you are unable to sustain yourself, you might be less capable of recovering financially or in some cases you might not be capable of going back to work at all due to disability or old age. Additionally, if you are a spouse who didn’t work much during the marriage and relied on the other partner for the financial support in the marriage, it may prove difficult to enter the job market at an older age with little prior experience. For these, and many other reasons, older couples often choose to continue living together in the marriage simply out of economic necessity. Others simply can’t make that work or don’t want to and choose to divorce.
Other issues unique to older couples divorcing may include a long term business, social security, health insurance, and even end of life care. If you are over 50 years old and considering divorce, call our law firm anytime to find out more information on what issues you may be facing. An Ogden Divorce Attorney at our office is ready and willing to answer your questions.